Youth/Worship Pastor

United Youth Group

Every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. - Youth Chapel

Pre-Service starts at 6:30 pm on Wednesday. Join us for a time of fun and fellowship!

Every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. - Youth Sunday School Room

Speed The Light

Speed the Light is the student-initiated, volunteer, charitable program that provides much-needed equipment to missionaries across the nation and in over 180 countries around the world. It began in 1944 after Ralph Harris, then head of the National Youth Ministries department, prayed for a way to give Assemblies of God students the opportunity to help missionaries in their work.

Fine Arts

Fine Arts Festival is a discipleship tool of the AG Youth Ministries designed to help students discover, develop, and deploy their ministry gifts and to learn about their God-given abilities and talents.

We, along with leaders and family members, encourage students to develop their gifts and then use them in their schools, churches, and communities. Fine Arts Festivals enable students to experience a time of learning through evaluations, workshops, and interaction with other students.